Questions you should ask
Otázky, na které byste se měli zeptat Vy

Při pracovním pohovoru přijde i Váš čas - budete vědět na co se zeptat? a jak?

Během pohovoru se Vás také obvykle zeptají, zda máte nějaké otázky. Jaké jsou nejlepší otázky, na které byste se měli zeptat?

Questions You Should Ask in Your Job Interview

Always prepare questions to ask. Having no questions prepared sends the message that you have not been thinking about the job. Avoid asking questions that are clearly answered on the employer's web site and/or in any literature provided by the employer to you in advance. This would simply reveal that you did not prepare for the interview, and you are wasting the employer's time by asking these questions. Never ask about salary and benefits issues until those subjects are raised by the employer.



Great Question for the Interviewer

How would you describe the company culture? Typically the response is thoughtful and opens up the chance to ask more questions.

An interview is a two-way street. Ask questions. The employer should provide an opportunity for you to ask questions at or near the end of the interview.

Always prepare questions to ask. Having no questions prepared sends the message that you have no independent thought process.
Some of your questions may be answered during the course of the interview, before you are offered the opportunity to ask. If so, you can simply state something to the effect that you were interested in knowing about ..., but that was addressed during the interview. You could ask for additional clarification if applicable.
Do not ask questions that are clearly answered on the employer's web site and/or in any literature provided by the employer to you in advance. This would simply reveal that you did not prepare for the interview, and you are wasting the employer's time by asking these questions.
Never ask about salary and benefits issues until those subjects are raised by the employer.                       

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